Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Spring Break - McKinney Falls

We took the girls to McKinney Falls in Austin and enjoyed some mountain biking, hiking, and exploring. We were there with our friends the Millets, Parkers, and Schorrs.

My wife Nancy in the "eye" of the waterfall. There were many cool limestone rock formations throughout the creek bed.

Brittany playing with her friends Jared and Cameron. See my rock!

Push Megan, push! She and her friend Kylin finally got the log to go over the edge of the waterfall.
We all went for a hike... Brooke and Lindsey were startled... but only for a moment!


Mindy said...

Awesome! I love it!! The girls are growing up way too fast browsky :)

The Capitans said...

I bet you had so much fun. Your girls are just so cute. I hope we get to see you guys again sooner then later.

The Giles Files said...

I am so jealous! It looks warm...and fun! It snowed in our neck of the woods this morning. The warm weather will eventually make it our way, I just wish it would hurry up!

You have a beautiful family!